Designing and Explaining Social Procurement Model to Reduce Poverty in Supporting Organizations: Conceptualization, Effective Factors and Consequences

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D., Department of Public Administration, Bandar Deylam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Deylam, Iran

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Objective:Inthe new public governance era, some governments create social values such as reduce poverty and unemployment through social procurement policies and use it as an important lever to achieve various social goals. This study's purpose was to identify and explain factors influencing the formation and implementation of social procurement to reduce poverty in Fars province support organizations.
Methods: This study is qualitative research and uses grounded theory methodology. For gathering analytical data, semi-structured interviews were done with 20 persons who were university professors, managers and experts of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation (IKRF) and state Welfare Organization (SWOI) in Fars Province, as the statistical samples selected through purposive sampling method. The transcribed interviews were then analyzed based on three stages of open, axial, and selective coding.
Results: The results revealed that community-oriented policing was the core phenomenon and it had induced the creation of social procurement while interacting with other factors. The relationship between these factors was also presented in the final model. Accordingly, community-oriented planning, partnership policy development, and multi-purpose policing can have significant effects on the creation of procurement policy. Ultimately, this point of view is taken into account as a foundation for developing the phenomenon of social procurement.
Conclusion: Social procurement through synergies in society can achieve valuable outcomes such as poverty reduction, social capital development, innovative responses to social needs, promoting social health, public resource and benefits optimization and target groups empowerment.


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