Role of Transformational Leadership on Business Performance (In: Tehran Province Gas Company)

Document Type : Research Paper



The business environment changes caused to change in managers and researchers approach about leadership principles. They have to revise leadership traditional theories and developed new theory for leadership as “transformational leadership theory”. Transformational leader with charisma; idealized influence; inspirational motivation; intellectual stimulation; and individualized consideration, emphasis on performance improvement, i.e. achieving and establishing market share, rate of sales, attract totally new customers, customer satisfaction. This article surveys the relationship between transformational leadership and business performance in TPGC. The method used is applied-description survey. The population comprised 67 managers. Data analysis was conducted by frequency distribution, percentage, spearman correlation and Multiple Regression test. According to the research findings, there is signification a relationship between transformational leadership and business performances. Finally, the article has presented solutions to promote transformational leadership and business performance.


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