Identification of a New Plot Line in the Public Policy Narratives Using Narrative Policy Framework in order to Predict Public Policy Changes in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Identification of the factors causing change in policy process plays an important role in implementing healthy policy process. Narrative policy framework introduces new concepts and tools to identify the factors causing policy change. One of the important variables in narrative policy framework is narrative structure. Narrative structure has so many elements which the main one is plot. Plot line is a series of coherent plots which allows you to sort and categorize the narratives. A longitude 10 year research (2002-2012) has been conducted on policy narratives with the subject of subsidy purposefulness in order to identify the plots of policy narratives. The analysis of narratives using the content analysis pattern of Howland indicates that research propositions have beenconfirmed. Narrative analysis has revealed some other plots in addition to six above-mentioned plots. This new plot helps policy narrators to form narrative plots with more awareness and based on context.


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