In- Service Training Evaluation of Takfa Project (Word Skill) Via Staff Perspective//



The goal of this study was to evaluate Word's in–service training of Takfa project (Development and Use of Information and Communication Technology Plan) via ministry of Jihade agricultural staff perspective. The methodological approach was Survey Research and the target population was one hundred (100) of staff in Jihad agricultural ministry who had attended in Word's in–service training program. Necessary information gathered via questionnaires. Dependent variable was Word's short-term effectiveness of Takfa project and independent variables were: gender, age, level of education, career, clear presentation of educational objectives and syllabuses, staff satisfied with educators, content, method and facility of education. The cronbach alpha average was 84 percent. The main results were as followed: results taken from computing correlation coefficient showed negative and statistically meaningful relation between the Word's short-term effectiveness of Takfa project and age, career. There was positive and statistically meaningful relation between the staff satisfied with educators, content and method of education with 99 percent of surety; Also, clear presentation of educational objectives and syllabuses with 95 percent of surety and Word's short-term effectiveness of Takfa project. Results taken from comparing mean, showed meaningful difference between the males and females groups attending in the Word's short-term effectiveness of Takfa project with 95 percent of surety.
