Antecedents of Employee Intention to Leave in Payam-e-Noor University



Intention to Leave (ITL) is defined as employee voluntary tendency to terminate employment in his/ him organization. Indeed, this intention might not occur really, but its effects can be seen in forms of absence, lassitude, and sabotage. Identifying antecedents or drivers, is one of the ways to prevent ITL and its effects. Present research results in 187 employees of Payam-e-Noor University showed that perceived organizational support (PCV), psychological contract violation (PCV), distributive justice (DJ), job satisfaction (JS), and affective commitment (AC) have significant impacts on ITL; but procedural justice (PJ) didn’t showed significant relationship to ITL. Also, it can be attributed 54 percent of ITL variance to above mentioned factors. Finally, it is observed that JS and AC are two mediators in other factor relationship with ITL.
