Providing a General Model for the Successful Implementation of Digital Transformation in Organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof., Department of Business Management Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.

2 MSc., Department of Strategic Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Public Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

4 MSc., Department of Leadership and Human Capital, Faculty of Public Administration and Organizational Sciences, College of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Purpose: Digital transformation involves the comprehensive integration of digital technologies into all facets of an organization's operations, fundamentally altering the manner in which the organization functions and delivers value to its stakeholders. This research seeks to identify critical factors in order to develop a generalized model for the successful implementation of digital transformation across various organizational contexts.
This study adopts an interpretive and inductive approach and is practical in its objectives. It is conducted as qualitative research, designed as a single-section time study, and is categorized as part of broader field research. The participants of this research are professors and specialists in the fields of digital transformation and management, carefully selected through purposeful sampling to ensure they meet specific criteria that qualify them to provide insightful information. Data collection was primarily conducted through semi-structured interviews with 15 individuals until theoretical saturation was achieved. To further enrich the data, text studies and thematic analysis methods were employed for categorizing and coding the collected data.
From the final analysis and subsequent report writing, based on extensive coding, a total of 174 basic themes were identified, along with 42 organizing themes. From the analysis of these findings, sub-themes that shared similar comprehensive meanings were merged to form five overarching themes. These results highlighted that leadership and vision, change management, collaboration and partnership, user-centered design, and privacy and data security are the principal factors in the implementation of digital transformation. Furthermore, each of these categories and their subcategories were found to play an integral role in the effective implementation process of digital transformation.
Digital transformation extends beyond the mere adoption of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning; it represents a paradigm shift in how traditional management and operational practices are conducted across various functions, including product development, engineering, marketing, sales, and service delivery. It necessitates an all-encompassing involvement across the entire organization, not limited to the information technology sectors. As such, presenting a comprehensive model based on the findings of this research is crucial. This model should address various organizational aspects for effective implementation. Key factors identified include leadership and vision, which are essential for creating an enabling environment for digital transformation; change management, which is necessary for coordinating and instituting changes within the organization; collaboration and partnership, which are critical for fostering integration and connectivity between departments; user-centered design, which is vital for engaging employees and customers; and maintaining robust privacy and data security measures, which are indispensable for establishing trust in digital interfaces. In summary, while digital transformation is inherently complex and difficult to grasp, its successful implementation is essential and can bring about substantial benefits to organizations in today's digital-driven environment and should be treated as a necessity.


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