Designing a Model for Providing Virtual Education in the Social Security Organization of Iran Based on Grounded Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Prof., Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Management, University College of Osveh, Tabriz, Iran.

3 MSc., Department of Public Administration, Social Security Organization, Tabriz, Iran.


Objective: According to the community conditions and the prevalence of COVID-19 disease, the evolution of education, awareness and familiarity of officials and managers with the concepts, attitudes and approaches of virtual education in the organization to achieve goals, respond to problems and establish a virtual education system. Efficient seems necessary. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to design a model for providing virtual education in line with the strategies of the Social Security Organization.
Methods: The research method is applied in terms of purpose and using the data theory of the foundation qualitatively and sampling in a theoretical way and using targeted techniques (judgment) and snowball (chain), based on which to saturation Theoretical data, interviews with experts and experts of the organization were conducted.
Results: The results of data analysis obtained through an open, centralized and selective coding process, led to the creation of data-based theory in the field of virtual education and the designed model includes causal, contextual, mediating, constituent elements. Shows the consequences and strategies for implementing a public policy.
Conclusion: The results of this study can be used by brokers and policymakers in order to increase the effectiveness of virtual training in the organization. Also, providing virtual education in the current situation, especially the common disease, is a basic need and enriches the theoretical gap in terms of literature and theoretical foundations. Finally, practical suggestions for improving virtual education were provided.


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