Comparative Study of Governance Patterns in the Battle against the Coronavirus

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof., Department of Public Administration, Institute for Management and Planning Studies (IMPS), Tehran, Iran.

2 MSc., Department of Information Technology, Institute for Management and Planning Studies (IMPS), Tehran, Iran.


Objective: In the present study, an attempt has been made to compare the governance patterns in relation to the coronavirus in the studied countries.
Methods: The research method is a comparative study and 31 countries with the highest prevalence of coronavirus have been studied. Secondary data were collected and analyzed from international or regional organizations monitoring coronavirus.
Results: The research findings show that in the studied countries 1) the death rate and the expansion rate of coronavirus are at the expected level; 2) despite using similar policies in the fight against Corona, the policy implementation tools are different; 3) management and coordination mechanisms are designed under the supervision of the highest executive authority; 4) governance capacity in the fight against Coronavirus is low, but the government stringency is high; and 5 political stability is the only component of governance excellence that affects the rate of corona expansion.
Conclusion: Studies on the fight against Coronavirus have been less conducted with a governance approach. The study was able to reveal the similarities and differences between the governing patterns of the fight against Corona in different countries.


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