Model of Women Leadership Style in Managerial Positions in Public Sector, with Emphasis on the Role of National Culture, Using multi-grounded Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd. Candidate, Department of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Alborz Campuse, Alborz, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Prof., Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

4 Prof., Department of Social Sciences Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


Objective: Objective: Women's presence in managerial positions has recently been more remarkable, and this has caused a variety of issues. One important issue that can be observed in managerial positions is women's leadership style.
Methods: In this research the philosophy of research is feminism, the approach is inductive-deductive, the strategy of the research is grounded theory, the Goldkuhl & Cronholm version, and the method is qualitative. The data has been gathered using semi-structured interviews. To do so, using theoretical sampling, 35 women from the population of the study were chosen
Results: Results show that the model of women's leadership style is a motherhood leadership style, and factors such as cultural contexts, supports, and communication and structural obstacles have an impact on it, and thisconsequently leads to a variety of organizational and societal consequences.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that female leaders are affected by their social roles. Therefore, it is not in vain that women in the management and leadership of the organization who use this feature are praised by the patriarchal culture and the most recognizable feature of women throughout history.


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