Identifying the Underlying Components of Organizational Ideology

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D., Department of Public Administration, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran


Objective: The present study aims at understanding and designing a Model of organizational ideology to identify its underlying components.This can provide the managers with a good configuration of Missionary-oriented organization framework.
Methods: In order to achieve this goal, in the qualitative stage, while reviewing the subject literature through Thematic Analysis approach, the effective criteria were also identified using MAXQDA software. In the next step, the identified factors were categorized into new dimensions of classification using the Fuzzy-TISM modeling approach and the levels of the components and the relationships among them wrer determined.
Results: The analysis of the data led to the formation of fourteen organizing themes and three inclusive themes such as cultural components, behavioral components, and structural components.
Conclusion: Finally, it was concluded that when organizational ideology becomes stronger, it can create a specific organizational structure called a Missionary-oriented organization; on the basis that the cultural components are at the lowest level and affect the behavioral components and ultimately the structural components. Therefore, the organizing values and norms and assimilation are at the lowest levels among the cultural components and they affect all the other themes. These elements are key players in organizational ideology that should be considered by Missionary-oriented organizations.


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