The Effect of the Diverse Job Orientation on the Employability of Employees Considering the Mediating Role of the Career Path Capital (Case Study: Shahid Rajaee Customs' Clearance Officers in Hormozgan)

Document Type : Research Paper




Provided that job vacillation is growing rapidly all over the world, the desire for a diverse career path that requires constant investment in human, social, and psychological capital of individuals can increase their employability. This study investigates the effectiveness of diverse career path orientation on the recruitment capability of customs clearance officers in Shahid Rajaee port with an emphasis on the capital intermediary variable of the business path. The statistical population of this study consists of 250 managers of Shahid Rajaee customs clearance companies. Then, a sample size of 152 people were selected randomly according to Morgan's table. To measure the variables of the research, Briscoe et al. (2006)’ diverse career path questionnaire, Davos and Svens (2008)’s employability questionnaire and Abbey and Lutans's (2007) career path capital questionnaire have been used. The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha index, and structural equation modeling and PLS software were used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that the orientation of a diverse career path, both directly and through the intermediating variable of the capital investment pathway, can increase the employability of customs' clearance officers.


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