Identifying Factors Effecting on Rip Currents of Public Organizations Using Grounded Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Prof. of Organizational Behavior Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Human Resource Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


“Rip Currents”, the new metaphor, was presented by “Sarlak” at first time and explains environmental destructive rips effective on public organizations. This study using a metaphor in environment tries to explain hidden aspects of environmental factors effective on public organizations. This research was done using qualitative research method, Grounded Theory. For this purpose, at first the literature was reviewed and Sea rip currents and the metaphor in organization and management were studied. To explore and describe the beliefs and attitudes, the in-depth interviews was done by 15 management expert. Many of indicators of factors affecting organizational splitter flows were collected, using Grounded Theory; open coding, axial and selective variables were categorized and the metaphor of organizational rip currents was defined. The study shows that unstable environment, rumor publication, unfollowing up, Bewilderment and abusing are currents rips. By identifying the causal conditions, the results showed these factors were fulfilled in the context of structure weakness and the weakness of organizational structure processes. Moreover, the performance of managers and employee behavior were identified as the intervening variables in this study.


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