Good Policy Making in Government, Modeling the Role of Organizational Capacity and National Context

Document Type : Research Paper



The emergence of new general issues and their complexity, has created new areas of thought called good policymaking. In this study based on a mixed consecutive explorational research, and through the feasibility study of applications of good policy making in the executive branch and by using interviews with the cabinet ministers of 10th and 11th Iranian governments, the facilitating inter-organizational conditions and contextual national conditions in good policymaking were investigated. Inter-organizational conditions of executive branch were classified in three categories of “organizational capacity”, “extra role behaviors capacity” and” managerial capacity”. Also, contextual national conditions identified and named in five categories of “international situation”, “political”, “cultural”, “economic”, and “technological” conditions. The interviewees believed that the macro national conditions and micro conditions of government ministries can bring forecasting, outward looking, inclusiveness, evidence orientation, inseparability and innovation in the policy making process. In the quantitative phase, the structural-path and measurement models of the impact of micro and macro variables on good policy making tested through the software AMOS graph 18, which represents a fitness of model.


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