Designing a Blue Ocean Strategy in the field of consulting engineers services, involved in national projects of dam construction

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. in MBA/ Strategy, University of Tehran, Kish, Iran

2 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The blue Ocean Strategy aims to create business in the fields which didn’t exist before. This research has been developed with the aim of designing a blue ocean strategy as a modern solution. The current study is a functional one situated in the Descriptive Survey group, considering the nature of the subject and the goals. The judgment sampling is applied to determine the criteria frameworks and develop survey process according to the views of Sakoo experts. To perform survey process, the researcher tries to promote the competitive situation of Sakoo Consulting Engineers by applying ERRC model. According to Experts’ views, the related criteria of ERRC model that should be considered in the field of Sakoo Consulting Engineerrs are as follows: omitting the services for which there are no space according to business market conditions, promoting company financial status, decreasing the project profit withdrawal by project managers, decreasing company costs and increasing productivity.


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