The effect of psychological capital on the quality of the offered services to the clients by the counter staffs with organizational commitment meditation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Prof., Business Marketing Group, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Prof., Business Marketing Group, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D. Student in International Marketing Management, Faculty of Management and Economic, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran


The current study aims to examine the impact of psychological capital and organizational commitment on the quality of the offered services to the clients by the counter staffs of Ansar bank. In this research, the theoretical model and the theories between the variables were first developed and  structural equation was used to examine research theories. Ansar bank counter staffs of Tehran city are the statistical population. Therefore, for this research, 320 persons are picked based on the Morgan table using random sampling. A questionnaire was used to collect the data, the reliability and validity of which are assessed by Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis.  This conceptual model was examined using structural part called path analysis and structural equation modeling. The results showed the positive influence of psychological capital on the quality of offered services to the clients.


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