The Mediating Role of Sense of Efficacy in Influencing Distributed Leadership on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of State-Run Schools Employees

Document Type : Research Paper



The current paper was to investigate the relationship between distributed leadership, organizational commitment and job satisfaction with regards to the meditating role of sense of efficacy. It is based on a quantitative method of research and middle schools teachers of Tehran was the research population from which 160 teachers were selected based on cluster sampling method. Data was collected through two standard questionnaires. The findings show that there is positive relationship between DL dimensions and dimensions of teachers’ commitment. Among the DL dimensions, Collaborative decision is more related to TCW and TCO and is the main predictor of teachers’ commitment. Years of working in school is related to teachers’ commitment in negative way. The education level has no significant relation to TCW and TCO. The final model reveals that with running both the DL dimensions and demographic variables in a model, academic development, years of teaching and education level have no significant relation to TCW statistically. Years of working in school is related to TCW and TCO negatively


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