Comparative Study of Organizational Culture Typologies: Case Study: Pegah Fars and Sham Sham Companies



In this research, we analyzed and compared different models of organizational culture that include: Harrison (1972) and Handy (1978), Deal & Kennedy (1982), Quinn (1988), Deashpande (1993), Schneider (1994), Sonenfield (1373), Hellringle & Slocum (1994), Daft (1998), Quinn & Cameron (1999), Deshpande & Farely (2004), Denison (2007). We collected these models based on Competing Value Framework. We Choose Denison model that defines four types of organizational culture: Adaptability, Involvement, Mission, Consistency. In this research statistical society involves managers of Pegah Fars and Sham Sham corporations. Because statistical society was limited, we did not use sampling. We used questionnaire to assemble data. Results represent that dominant culture in both corporations is mission and also there are differences between excepted and existed situations.
