By reviewing literature of human productivity, it's obvious that participation of employees and partnership environment is one of the main suggestions. But how human productivity is affected by participation of employees? This paper tries to answer this question. In other word, in this paper illustrated that participation of employees initiates two groups of guarantees that improve productivity of employees which we call them substantive and procedural guarantees. For measurement and testing the validity of model in this research as one of applied researches, we used Confirmatory factor analysis by equation modeling. The hypotheses in this research will be tested in C.O of I.R.I as one of the greatest and important economical organization in Islamic Republic of Iran. At the end of this paper by reviewing results that achieved, we explained the results by answering some questions.
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Hassani Kakhaki, H. K. , and Zahedi, Z. . "A Model for Explaining the Role of Participation of Employees in Public Sector Human Productivity Enhancement", Journal of Public Administration, 4, 11, 2012, 69-90. doi: 10.22059/jipa.2012.35533
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H. K. Hassani Kakhaki and Z. Zahedi, "A Model for Explaining the Role of Participation of Employees in Public Sector Human Productivity Enhancement," Journal of Public Administration, 4 11 (2012): 69-90, doi: 10.22059/jipa.2012.35533
Hassani Kakhaki, H. K., Zahedi, Z. A Model for Explaining the Role of Participation of Employees in Public Sector Human Productivity Enhancement. Journal of Public Administration, 2012; 4(11): 69-90. doi: 10.22059/jipa.2012.35533