Presenting a conceptual framework for digital judicial transformation for digital governance

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof., Department of Digital Judicial Transformation, Faculty of Statistics and Information Technology, Judiciary Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Prof., Department of Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Objective: Increasing advances in emerging technologies in all areas have led to profound changes at the community level. Legal and judicial systems have also undergone technological changes. They are looking for a digitally capable system in which judicial services and, consequently, justice is available to all citizens. The judicial system in our country is facing some challenges, including procrastination, which despite the use of various systems in the judicial system of the country has not yet been resolved. Benefiting from digital transformation as a solution to challenges as well as the potential to create new opportunities will be effective in providing better judicial services. This article aims to design a conceptual framework for digital judicial transformation to create a systematic perspective on the transformation of the judiciary.
Methods: After studying the background of the subject and comparative study and content analysis of international research, the initial framework was designed. Then, during the two phases of the focus group, the initial framework was validated. The first focus group consisted of six legal experts and the second group consisted of seven experts in the field of law and information technology.
Results: Finally, the framework was designed with seven main sections, which include enablers (including two layers of infrastructure components and technological components), applications (including challenges, drivers and opportunities), judicial ecosystem (including two Layer of internal and external stakeholders), digital transformation governance, digital transformation roadmap (including three layers of vision, goals and plans) and digital transformation journey (including five stages).
Conclusion: In order to create digital judicial transformation, a systematic perspective must be created that, in addition to hard dimensions such as technologies, also considers soft dimensions such as culture, skills and laws. Consider different types of stakeholders and use the benefits and incentives of technologies to solve challenges. There should also be a clear vision and specific goals and plans in this regard.


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