Designing a model for Acceptance of Non-governmental Organizations by the Citizens

Document Type : Research Paper


1 , Ph.D Student of Public Administration - Organizational Behavior Management, Payamenoor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Prof. of Management, Payamenoor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Prof. of Management, Payamenoor University, Tehran, Iran


Objective: The present study seeks to design a model for Acceptance of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) by the Citizens. This research is fundamental and practical in purpose and is exploratory in nature.
Methods: Qualitative method and Grounded Theory strategy were used to help design the study. 20 key experts were selected sing using judgmental purposive sampling, and then the researchers conducted deep interviews with them. Afterwards, the components were classified using the process of open, axial and selective coding and the final model was configured.
Results: The results of the research showed that the “acceptance” of NGO can be affected by many different factors like organizational, sociological, environmental and personal elements. In the proposedmodel, organizational and social elements are the causal elements; public gain and profitably are the axial categories; the attitudes include positive or negative emotions which are considered as the model Strategy. Eventually, behavioral intent which is the consequence of acceptance or non-acceptance of NGOs were identified. Activity environment and individual morality had significant effects on public attitudes of citizen toward NGOs.
Conclusion: The main outcome of this model in the behavioral field is the acceptanceof NGOs by the Citizens, based onsystematic perspective to the subject and considering organizational, environmental, and individual factors.


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