Investigating the Components of Good Governance in Mega Multi-firm Projects in a Consortium

Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd student

2 Project Managemet and Construction Department, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 ‏Associate Prof. Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.‎


The system of governance in multi-firm projects that requires implementing a variety of companies under the consortium agreement can affect the performance of the consortium. According to the literature review and the recognition of the research gap, the researchers found it necessary to identify the components and criteria of good governance in the context of mega multi-firm projects in a consortium. The purpose of this study is to grasp the deep-seated influence of governance on mega multi-firm projects in a consortium and an understanding of utility criteria. Using qualitative and exploratory research methods, six upstream consortium of South Pars Project were investigated. Grounded theory was used to analyze the data and find any probable relationships between them. In the first step, the components of the existing governance and its consequences were identified; then, by repeating the interviews with the research community, the components of the good governance consisting of the structure, process, and governance mechanism were introduced. Finally, an optimum governance model was proposed based on the criteria of good governance and observing the interests of all the stakeholders in the project.


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