Assessing the Implementation of the Government’s Supportive Policies in Favor of Knowledge-Based Companies (A Case study: Fars, Razavi Khorasan, Gilan & Hormozgan Provinces)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Public Management, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Faculty of Public Management, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran

3 Assistant Prof., Faculty of public management , Islamic Azad University,Kerman,Iran

4 Assistant Prof., Faculty of statistics, Shahid Bahonar University,Kerman,Iran


The study was an attempt to determine the extent of the implementation of governmental policies supporting knowledge-based companies, to examine the relationship between these policies and the commercialization of inventions. The reliability and validity of this questionnaire were reported 0.89 and 0.94, respectively. The statistical population for this research consisted of 131 companies. The research results revealed that the average extent of the implementation of governmental financial policies aiming to support companies was around 60.5% with an average financial value of 1245 million Rials. The implementation of the non-financial governmental policies was also low and was calculated to be 2.63 based on the Likert scale. The results indicated that 37.3% of the variations of the performance of companies in commercializing by the predictor variables.  Moreover, some components such as the decrease in the rate of interest on facilities, interest-free loans, long-term loans, tax exemptions, the ensured security of investments, intellectual ownership rules, proper international relations, human resource training and marketing aids were reported to have the highest effect on the commercialization of inventions, respectively.


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