Governance Challenges of Disaster Management Network: A Case Study of Tehran City

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate in Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Prof. in Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Prof. in Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Iran


This research was aimed at identifying, prioritizing, and structuring the governance challenges of Tehran’s disaster management network. For this purpose, Tehran was selected as the case to study.  Data gathering was in the form of in-depth interviews and completing questionnaires. The participants consist of the representatives (senior and junior managers and experts) of 26 governmental and private organizations involved with Tehran’s natural disaster management. These organizations were among the ones listed in the disaster-relevant regulations and they were selected with the aid of snowball sampling method. A fuzzy Delphi method and interpretive structural modeling (ISM) were employed to prioritize and structure the identified challenges. The findings determined 18 major challenges with which Tehran’s disaster governance has faced. At the end, the researchers proposed some recommendations for better management of such challenges and also some suggestions for future studies.


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