Providing Coordinates for the Sub-systems of School of Governance through the Application of a Comparative Study on Elected Schools of Governance

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof, Department of Management and Philosophy of Science and Technology, College of Engineering progresses, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Academic member of the Institute for Policy Studies and Strategic Studies of Wisdom and Ph.D. Student in decision-making and policy making at Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Recently, schools of governance have been in vogue in different countries in order to study specific governance issues and to propose solutions. Having understood the necessity to form such schools in the country, the researchers aimed to investigate the elected schools of governance and to extract sub-systems of such schools. The data were collected from the libraries and were analyzed through content analysis. The validity of the results was approved using fuzzy Delphi method. The results indicated that the sub-systems and the activities in schools of governance were identified to be either among the main activities or supportive activities. The four main activities including educational system, research system, training system and the agenda setting, along with discoursing and networking systems shaped the main processes in the schools of governance in the form of 39subcategories. Supportive processes in schools of governance are identified to exist in four main categories including architecture and physical construction of the school, social structure and the pattern of the administration, finance and budget system, and financial support and academic support system. These supportive activities were further classified into28 subcategories.


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