Organizational Social Inertia and laziness; Dysfunctions of the bureaucratic Organizational culture

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof. in Management, Faculty of Humanities Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran

2 MSc. of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Payam Noor University, Shahr Rey Branch, Tehran, Iran


This study aims to identify the impact of organizational culture of bureaucratic inertia, is an organization with the role of social laziness. The population of this study included 210 people from all employees Ilam Governor Of these, 140 were selected as sample. Three questionnaires were used to collect data from standard bureaucratic culture (Tanya, 2006), organizational inertia (The Hague, 2014) and social laziness (Ground, 1393) was used. Analysis of data from structural equation modeling with partial least square method through software PLS is done, showed that the research proposals approved and in the cultural component of bureaucratic inertia, cognitive, behavioral, cognitive - social, economic and political impact is positive and also features the work of variables, features group and individual perception, the relationship between the culture of bureaucratic and organizational inertia play the role of mediator. It is suggested that the governor of Ilam, corporate culture in order to better participate in the organization and increase employee commitment and their efforts to achieve the goals of the organization, is encouraging. The managers increase employee participation and involvement in important corporate decisions to reduce social laziness and inertia to provide the enterprise.


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