Identify and codify appropriate features for verification competencies of Science, Research and Technology Minister of Republic Islamic of IRAN

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Prof. of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Prof. of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


The primary goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to achieve the development. So, the establishment of meritocracy is considered, as the most effective action in the development program.The first step in this field is to identify manager’s key competencies. Numerous studies have been conducted in this area till now, which any have tried to provide an approach to develop the competency model of human resource. This study reviews the theoretical basis of manager’s competency and using experts management experience in the country offers the framework of the competencies of the Minister of Science, Research and Technology. The Research method is thematic analysis and research data collecting method is interviews with 14 experts. The results of the interviews are categorized in seven major themes including conceptual skills, human skills, technical skills, personal characteristics, the administration and management experiences, values and attitudes, knowledge and awareness.


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