Authentic leadership and psychological capital: Effect role Mediator of trust and psychological contract breach

Document Type : Research Paper



Education system and all the employees are responsible to educate all the students who will have social responsibilities in the society in future. Education (system) is one the mail sources to develop social and business aspects. This organ needs to have strong leaders to be competitive advantage. this study, as a matter of goal or purpose, is an applied research and the way of collecting the data is descriptive and in the form of correlation; and clearly based on the structural equation model (SEM).in this research, firstly the theoretical model and the theories between the variables were developed and for surveying the research theories the structural equation was used. The employees of department of Education in Zanjan province are the statistical population (198 persons). Therefore, for this research, 139 persons are picked based on the Morgan table using random sampling. A questionnaire was used to collect the data and using LISREL18 software was analyzed. Researches show that authentic leadership with (370/0) depth, and trust on psychological capital with (440/0) depth has positive and expressive effects. Likewise, authentic leadership on psychological contract breach with (-350/0) depth, trust on psychological contract breach with (-420/0) depth, psychological contract breach on psychological capital with (-330/0), and authentic leadership on psychological capital with (-06/0) depth have negative effects.


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